Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Saturday, April 8, 2000
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Boston University
School of Law Auditorium
Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Keynote Address:
Dr. Edward Said, "Dispossession as Distortion and Dislocation" Panel Discussions:

* Critical Analyses of Israeli, American, European and PLO Positions
* Right of Return and Restitution
* Palestinian Refugee Voices and Social Conditions
* Refugee Rights: Looking to the Future

Video:  Children of Shatila


Briefing papers:

- Reinterpreting Palestinian Refugee Rights Under International Law, and a Framework for Durable Solutions, Susan Akram
- A Report on the Refugee Problem, Ilan Pappe
- Return or Permanent Exile? Palestinian Refugees and the Ends of Oslo, Joseph Massad
- BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

Speaker biographies

For information on the conference, contact:

* Elaine Hagopian
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* Nancy Murray
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TARI's Right to Return Conference has been published. Visit the link for details or check the
"Publishing details and Book Catalogue"