Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Conference on the Arab Uprisings: Accomplishments, Failures & Prospects.

Presented by

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with support from

CMES Harvad

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PDF of event flyer.




Professor Hani Faris, University of British Columbia

Professor Augustus R. Norton, Boston University


8:15 am – 9:00 am

Doors Open. Coffee, Tea, Breakfast Pastries


9:00 am – 9:15 am

Welcome Remarks by Co-Chairs

Professor Augustus R. Norton, Boston University

Professor Hani Faris, University of British Columbia


9:15 am to 10:55 am

“In Quest of Freedom & Dignity”

Mujid Kazimi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chair

Haytham Manna’, National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, “Road Map for a Political Solution in Syria”

Amr Hamzawy, American University in Cairo, “Can We Still Hope?”

Sara Roy, Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, “Whither Palestine?”

Melani Cammett, Brown University, “A Political Economy of the Arab Uprisings”


10:55 am to 11:10 am  Break

11:10 am to 12:50 pm

“Youth & Women & the Arab Uprisings”

Betty Anderson, Boston University, chair

Farouk El-Baz, Boston University, “Revolt of Egypt’s Youth”

Caryle Murphy, Independent Journalist and Book Author, “What Do Saudi Twenty-Somethings Want?”

Chloe Mulderig, Boston University, “Adulthood Denied: Implications of Youth Dissatisfaction on Revolutionary Outcomes in the Arab World”

Ghanim Alnajjar , Kuwait University, “Successes and Failures of Youth and Women Movements in the Gulf”


12:50 to 2:00 pm   Lunch Sadek Jalal al-‘Azm, Right to Non Violence, speaker


2:10 pm to 3:40 pm

“The Arab Socio-Political Order: Challengers,  Beneficiaries and Old Guards”

Leila Farsakh, University of Massachusetts Boston, chair

Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, University of New England, “Post February 17 Revolution: The Challenges of Transitional Justice, Truth and National Reconciliation in Libya”

Denis Sullivan, Northeastern University, “The Resiliency of Egypt’s Deep State: Are there any Challengers Left?”

Roger Owen, Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, “The inclusive principal of the Arab Revolutions: That what is up shall be brought down but never out.”

Gilbert Achcar, SOAS, University of London, “The Arab Uprising Between Revolution and Counter-Revolutions”


3:40 pm to 3:55 pm  Break


3:55 pm to 5:35 pm

“External Involvement in Arab Uprisings”

Seif Da’na, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, chair

Tamirace Fakhoury, Lebanese American University, “Migration and Politics: Insights From the Arab Uprisings”

Hugh Roberts, Tufts University, “European Attitudes and Policy Rresponses to the Crises in North Africa (Tunisia, Egypt, Libya), 2010-2013”

Robert Pelletreau, Former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt,  Tunisia, and Bahrain. “The U.S. Diplomatic Response to the Arab Awakenings”

Haytham Manna’, National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, “Road Map for a Political Solution in Syria”


5:35 pm   Conference Ends

To view the videos, program and report of the Conference on "Arab Uprisings: Accomplishments, Failures, Prospects", check the following links:

Boston University International Relations Centre:  http://www.bu.edu/ir/center/past-events/uprisings/
Boston Universe:  http://www.bu.edu/buniverse/search/?tag=International+Relations
Arabic Hour:  http://arabichour.org/BUConference.htm
You Tube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lar7fUq6r1s